Hi Friends how are you. Wishing you are all best…………
Men need to create partition of their hard disk. Supposed you create two partition on your hard disk Like (C) & (D). Now you need to create a more partition like (E). That means you need to break your partition (D). Now to create a new partition (E) you may to format your partition (D). But now a day’s windows 7 & windows 8 have a default program name Shrink Volume. By this program you can add drive & release drive. By it you can create more drive to break a drive without undamaged any file or folder. After that you can add two drives by Extend Volume. By the by this Shrink Volume & Extend Volume is only for Logical Drive, Not for Primary Drive.
How can I Create drive without damaged any file or folder?
Steep-1: Go to Manage of Your My Computer. My Computer ► Right Click ► Manage.
Steep-2: Disk Management ► Right Click (which drive wish to break) ► Shrink Volume.
Steep-3: Select Disk Space (How much wish in MB) ► Shrink.
Steep-4: Now you can see your new drive. Then Right Click (New Drive) ► New Simple Volume ► Next ► Next ► Finish (Format). Then use your new drive & let’s start……..
To add drive together
Steep-5: Complete Steep-1
Steep-6: Right Click (New Drive) ► Delete Volume
Steep-7: Right Click (Old Drive) ► Extend Volume ► Next ► Next ► Finish.