GP Free Internet

Hi friends how are you? Hope you are all right. I used GP free internet at many time at many situation by many kind of proxy fire software. Now a days GP internet are more alert to protect their system.

Now I am provide a new portable proxy name X-t181-pp. It is really very nice proxy fire exe software. I used it very successfully. It is very easy to use.

Size: 847 KB
Sim: Only Grameen Phone
APN: gpwap
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port: 8080
Connection: Dial-Up
Support OS: All of Operating System.

Portable Proxy Fire Configuration:
1. First you download the portable proxy fire software by clicking me.
2. Extract or Wizard the downloaded zip file.
3. After extract or wizard you can see the portable_proxy.exe software in the extract or wizard folder.
4. Open the portable_proxy.exe software by double clicking.
5. Then click the Listen button from left sidebar of the opened software & minimize that.

Modem Configuration:
1. Open the modem software.
2. Then Tools ► Setting ► Profile Management ► Add.
3. Now you see a new windows of Config File.
4. Now just type the Config name as webex-international & Dial number as *99#
6. Then click the Use the following APN address button & type APN Name as gpwap.
7. All other option should be unchanged & click Ok.
8. After press ok you see the new Profile name webex-international then click default.

Mozilla Firefox Configuration:
1. Open your Firefox.
2. Go Setting ► Advanced ► Network ► Setting of Connection.
3. Now you see a new windows of Connection Setting.
4. Click Manual proxy configuration button.
5. Type HTTP Proxy as & Port as 8080.
6. Click the Use this proxy server for all protocols button & click Ok ► Ok.

IDM Configuration:
1. Open your IDM.
2. Go Options ► Proxy / Socks ► Click Use Proxy for tic mark.
3. Type Proxy server address as & Port as 8080.
4. Click the http, https, ftp from Use this proxy for the protocols as tic mark & click Ok.

Now enjoy it……………