PC that means Personal Computer use personally. Every man has a personal drive, which are use personal computer. So you have to need to lock & hide your hard disk drive for your personality. By the by there are many software use to lock & hide your hard disk in the world. But there are many problems to use that. Such as protection key, license key, upgrade daily etc etc. On the other way you can lock & hide your hard disk drive without any software by using windows Group Policy system. Now I discussing that how can you do that. It is an easy to do this. It will be easier by using & utilize this post.
How can you lock your drives?
There are some easy steep to lock your hard disk drive.
- Go to your Windows Run program from Start menu or Press Windows+R.
- Type gpedit.msc & then Enter.
- Now you can see a tab like bellow.
- Dabble Click on Administrative Templates of User Configuration ► Dabble Click on Windows Components ► Dabble Click on Windows Explorer ► Dabble Click on Prevent access to drives from my computer. Now you can see this…….
- Click Enable ► Select Drive ► Apply.
- Then go to your My Computer & try to open to your selected drive.
- By the by Click Disable ► Apply to unlock your drive.
How can you hide your drives?
There are some easy steep to hide your hard disk drive.
- Go to your Windows Run program from Start menu or Press Windows+R.
- Type gpedit.msc & then Enter.
- Dabble Click on Administrative Templates of User Configuration ► Dabble Click on Windows Components ► Dabble Click on Windows Explorer ► Dabble Click on Hide these specified drives in my computer.
- Click Enable ► Select Drive ► Apply.
- Then go to your My Computer & look after your selected drive.
- By the by Click Disable ► Apply to shown/unhide your drive.