Men are use computer for their Own, Official, and Organization etc work. All of them, it is very disgusting that, when computer has not work on its configuration highlight.
There is the fact that, your computer is taking so long time to start. On the other hand your computer is working slowly.
You can speed your computer without any software. You can speedy your computer by Run and Manage command.
Now I published that how can you do speedy you computer. This post is so easy for any user; you can do speedy your computer easily to recharge this post. Let’s learn about it……………..
Run Command Optimization
Go Start menu ► Run ►
1. tree ► Enter
2. recent ► Ctrl+A ►Delete ► Yes (Delete all document)
3. temp ► Ctrl+A ►Delete ► Yes (Delete all document)
4. %temp% ► Ctrl+A ►Delete ► Yes (Delete all document)
5. prefetch ► Ctrl+A ►Delete ► Yes (Delete all document)
Manage Command Optimization
Go My Computer ► Right Click ► Manage
- Then Double Click on Event Viewer
- Click Application & Clean all Events by right clicking
- Click System & Clean all Events by right clicking