Plugins Installation in WordPress

As a WordPress user we know how to install a plugin. But as a new user of WordPress it should be know about plugins installation. There are various kinds of plugins present in WordPress that is very helpful to create and design a wonderful web site. To installation a plugin there are many way to do it. You can install it from go a plugins url or by searching result. By the by it is very easy to install. Now we describe that, how it will install on various process.

Go to your WordPress Dashboard►Plugins►Add New
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After that you will see a new windows. Then search a plugins or use Featured, Popular, Newest, Favorites link.

By search Box you can search your plugin name.
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Here we search by keyword Facebook. Then Facekook related many plugins shown by WordPress. After that which one is you like to install click the Install Now button.
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Then make sure to active your plugin click Active Plugin.
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