HTML Font Style

At a time you have to change your web page font style. There is various design of font style. Such as Bold, Strong, Italic, Underline, Superscript, Subscript, Strikethrough, Changing Font and Font Color etc. Font design and its HTML coding are shown bellow. You can learn about HTML font stylefrom here. Then let’s learn.

HTML Coding

Show in Browser

[code language=”css”]<b>I am Bold Text</b>[/code]

I am Bold Text

[code language=”css”]<strong>I am Strong Text</strong>[/code]

I am Strong Text

[code language=”css”]<i>I am Italic Text</i>[/code]

I am Italic Text

[code language=”css”]<u>I am Underline</u >[/code]

I am Underline

[code language=”css”]<sup>I am Superscript</sup>[/code]

I am Superscript

[code language=”css”]<sub>I am Suberscript</sub>[/code]

I am Suberscript

[code language=”css”]<del>I am Strikethrough</del>[/code]

I am Strikethrough

Beside that you can change font style according to font name. Let’s learn about it.

HTML Coding

Show in Browser

[code language=”css”]<p style="font-family:Times New Roman;">
Times New Roman</p>[/code]

Times New Roman

[code language=”css”]<p style="font-family:Keyboard;">Keyboard</p>


[code language=”css”]<p style="font-family:Deep Purple;">Deep Purple</p>

Deep Purple

[code language=”css”]<p style="font-family:REGINIA;">REGINIA</p>



On the other hand you can change your font color by coloring tag. Let’s learn how to change color of font by its HTML coding.

HTML Coding

Show in Browser

[code language=”css”]<p style="color:Red">I am Red</p>[/code]

I am Red

[code language=”css”]<p style="color:Green">I am Green</p>[/code]

I am Green

[code language=”css”]<p style="color:Blue">I am Blue</p>[/code]

I am Blue


HTML Coding

Show in Browser

[code language=”css”]<p style="color:#FF0000">I am Red</p>[/code]

I am Red

[code language=”css”]<p style="color:#00FF00">I am Green</p>[/code]

I am Green

[code language=”css”]<p style="color:#0000FF">I am Blue</p>[/code]

I am Blue